Marketing Outlook
2020 marketing outlook
Reinventing Construction Business In 2020 Market Mega Shifts and Unlocking New Opportunities
9 mindset changes that businesses need to have in addressing the market in the era of Market MEGA SHIFTS
Partners now play a role not only as an enabler for meeting the needs of consumers, but strategically conducting co-creation to provide the best solutions to consumers.
Google and Tesla do not pursue efficiency, but intelligence. The more we use the Google search engine, the smarter it will be. Similarly, the more we use a Tesla car, the car will be smarter. Welcome to the era of artificial intelligence.
The old logic said, to win the competition the company must master and have assets and resources. But if the assets are not managed properly, it will be a heavy overhead burden. Today’s business uses the principle of asset-light where access is more important than asset ownership.
Android does not offer a product but a platform that allows other parties, namely application developers to create various product variants that meet the unique/customized needs of each smartphone user.
The era of customer loyalty has passed. The best way to retain consumers now is by freeing and empowering them. Google AdSense, for example, makes blog owners empowered to bring in traffic. This is good for website owners, and certainly good for Google.
GoJek reaches its consumers with an ecosystem approach. That is why GoJek is so agile in moving from passenger transportation services to goods delivery, food delivery, massage services, ticket sales, to payment systems.
The free business model is created because digital technology allows several consumers to consume digital products simultaneously with marginal costs that are close to zero. Online learning (MOOC: Massive Open Online Course) for example, can be done simultaneously by millions of students without any significant additional costs.
Google, Facebook, or Twitter make their services free to consumers. We don’t need to pay to use Google Search, Gmail, or Google Map. Then where does Google get money? From advertisers (indirect).

“Content builds relationships. Relationships are built on trust. Trust drives revenue.”
– Andrew Davis
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